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Wednesday, 7 July 2010

It's the little things...

I've never liked jugglers. Seriously. They always come across all fucking smug and like they could have your woman any time they wanted. Bastards.

Anyway that's not really the point. Jugglers rely on keeping many balls in the air at once to enable them to keep their powers of woman pulling. They have to concentrate on them all at the same time. What happens if they just look at one and focus on it? Disaster. Balls on the floor and a lifetime of solitude.

Bit like life don't you think?

No? Well let me explain.

Look at a lot of shit that goes on in the world. You probably only have to look outside your window. Especially if you live somewhere crappy, oh I dunno, let's say Aldershot.

Actually Aldershot is a great example. (There's a sentence very rarely used. Unless it ends with 'of a craphole'.)

I'm lead to believe Aldershot has a lot of drug addicts. Like a lot of other places. Now drug addicts cause a lot of problems. Why? Simples. Because they're only focusing on one ball. All the other of life's balls are dropped and everything becomes a mess.

So that's the drug problem explained then. But that's hardly the cause of all of the world's issues is it? No matter what the Daily Mail might say.

But look at the focusing-on-one-ball-juggling-analogy more closely. Can it be used to explain lots of other bad stuff? I certainly hope so, or this blog is going to go downhill very quickly.

How about this; abortion. Now abortion in my view is a horrible thing. I don't like it. I don't particularly agree with it and I'd like to see it never have to happen. BUT, I live in the real world and understand that, unfortunately, it is sometimes necessary.

In America (and in Ireland) there are the anti-abortionists. (I refuse to call them pro-life because that's just fucking stupid. Who isn't pro-life for fucks sake. Apart from some very religious chaps). The anti-abortionists focus all their time and effort into getting abortion banned. Everything else takes a back seat.

I firmly believe that if there were 2 choices for someone to run the country and one of them said he would ban abortion but at the same time he would nuke Brazil then these people would vote for him. "Fuck Brazil, at least there'll be no more dead babies" is quite possibly something that would be said with a straight face.

See, focusing on one ball again. It doesn't really work well does it.

Psychologically wise this is called addiction. People think they know all about addiction. There's uncle Johnny who likes the booze a bit too much. Or that junkie bastard who'll rob your house if you ever leave.

But addiction doesn't have to involve actually ingesting something. There's gambling addicts for example. But importantly there are many many other types.

The religious can be addicts. If some bloke (usually a pedophile) stands up and tells them they must do something like beat themselves with a wet branch of willow, they'll probably do it. Doesn't make any sense whatsoever, but religion tends not to do sense. Mind you it does more sense than whatever that bullshit masquerading as 'atheism' is these days. Those idiots are managing to be addicts to something that they think doesn't exist.

So why would anyone do something so stupid? There's no evidence AT ALL that what they are doing is worthwhile but they'll go ahead anyway. Because their focusing on one ball again. Perhaps it's the ball that some beardy bloke in the sky will be annoyed at them, or perhaps it's the ball saying they'll be re-incarnated as a dung beetle. Doesn't matter, the ability to reason and evaluate all the facts and opinions goes completely out the window. Just the same as the guy who will do anything to get that next bit of white powder.

Then look at the current financial situation. Years spent focusing on the ball of profit. "Yeah, don't worry about that huge debt and shit, buy that big fucking building made of marshmallow, we'll make a killing." (This was actually in the minutes of a meeting at Goldman Sachs. Ok, it wasn't really, but would you honestly be surprised if it was).

So I propose you all become jugglers. Juggling training must start immediately. No more focusing on one ball.

I'm not doing it obviously as I hate jugglers. Along with a lot of other things.


  1. Yay Aldershot!!!!

    Another gem my man, so good i am going to disregard standard spelling and go all wacky as i call the blog - Kwalleetea!

    Your a genius man, its good to see the hatred put to a productive end...

    Monk, you nebver comment on my blog, i am taking it personaly...

  2. And now all the wrongs in my life have been explained

    Entertaining and now I can waste a few more hours at work reading over your past masterpieces

    Keep up the good work Gaz

  3. I'm not too fond of juggling either Gaz, probably coz I can't do it. On the other hand I could never write a blog as well as you or RBA, but I do enjoy this.

    Keep it up, Sir. (not in a juggling way)

  4. In truth H2H I am of course like every other male. I can't juggle therefore I hate it and think that anyone who can is a bit of a ponce.

    We are a wonderful breed aren't we.

    Just don't get me started on those musical people. Oops, forgot, I'll stop now.

  5. Those who can't do, hate.

    Those who are filled with hate and can't do, teach.

  6. Apart from in the music business.

    Those who can't do... get a deal with Simon Cowell and pollute the airwaves for years!!

  7. And those in the music business hate Cowell...

    But we're not exactly alone there, are we?

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Are you suggesting I'm Victor Meldrewesque Blogggy?

  10. not at all gaz, i simply didnt be-leeve it!

  11. You don't? Jugglers are real. Seriously.

  12. how do you kill a circus?

    go for the juggler

  13. ha ha love that gag bloggy.

    Gaz - very good mate. Using your analogy of jugglers and balls, was last season all down to the fact fergie tried juggling at the start but one ball smacked owen hargreaves on the knee (or his other knee), one hit rio every few weeks to set his recovery back a bit, but luckily the thired ball hit nani in his smug face and knocked some sense in to him so he actually thought he should try and be the player his ego thought he was and more?

    or not?

  14. No, haven't you heard, it was all Berbatov's fault.
